*- FOREIGN.H *- *- Header file for Foreign.PRG *- *- (c) Microsoft Corporation 1995 #DEFINE E_OPEN_LOC "Error @1 occurred while opening " #DEFINE E_COPY_LOC "Error @1 occurred while trying to copy the catalog to " #DEFINE E_CREATE_LOC "Error @1 occurred while creating " #DEFINE E_NAMEPROB_LOC "Due to a name conflict, the catalog file has been renamed to " #DEFINE E_NOFIND_LOC "Migrated file @1 cannot be found." #DEFINE C_CAT2FPC_LOC "Changing catalog structure..." #DEFINE C_CONFIRM1_LOC "You must convert your &wzsString before you can modify it in FoxPro. The original @1 will remain unchanged. Continue with conversion?" #DEFINE C_SAVETO_LOC "Save @1 As:" #DEFINE C_DBASEEOF CHR(26) && code DBase use to mark EOF in .QBE file