*- MAILMRGE.H *- #DEFINEs for MAILMRGE.VCX #DEFINE L_DEBUG .F. *- localize these #DEFINE C_STARTWORD60_LOC "Starting Microsoft Word ..." #DEFINE C_STARTWORD20_LOC "Starting Microsoft Word 2.0..." #DEFINE C_STARTWORD80_LOC "Starting Microsoft Word ..." #DEFINE C_OPENDATA80_LOC "Opening data source..." #DEFINE C_MMSAVEAS_LOC "Save merge data as:" #DEFINE C_DFLTNAME_LOC "mrgdata.txt" #DEFINE C_DFLTDBF_LOC "mrgdata.dbf" #DEFINE E_NOOPENWORD_LOC "Failed to get Word OLE Object." #DEFINE E_FILEERR_LOC "Error writing merge data." #DEFINE E_NOMSWLAUNCH_LOC "Cannot start Microsoft Word." #DEFINE E_WRONGWORD_LOC "The wrong version of Microsoft Word is running. Mail merge canceled." #DEFINE E_NOWORDERR_LOC "Microsoft Word for Windows @1 can not be located on this computer." #DEFINE E_NOWORDMACERR_LOC "Microsoft Word for the Macintosh 6.0 is not installed on this computer." #DEFINE E_MSWCOMMFAIL_LOC "Cannot complete task. Check MS Word for open dialog or other problem..." #DEFINE E_NODBC_LOC "DBC Tables are not supported yet by ODBC drivers. You must use a FoxPro free table." #DEFINE E_DDEERR_LOC "The last DDE action was unsuccessful. The DDE error code is @1." *- error messages for bad values in MailMerge class #DEFINE E_BADWORDPROC_LOC "Invalid value for word processor." #DEFINE E_BADEXDOC_LOC "No existing document was specified." #DEFINE E_BADMRGDATA_LOC "No destination for merge data was specified." #DEFINE E_BADTEMPLATE_LOC "Invalid value for Word template." #DEFINE E_NODATA_LOC "No data source was specified." #DEFINE E_NOFIELDS_LOC "No data fields were specified." #DEFINE E_ODBC1_LOC "Could not check ODBC.INI file. Check to see if ODBC is properly installed." #DEFINE E_ODBC2_LOC "Could not find FoxPro Files ODBC driver. Check to see if it is installed." #DEFINE E_ODBC3_LOC "Invalid FoxPro Files entry in ODBC.INI file." #DEFINE E_ODBCDLL_LOC "Could not check for proper ODBC installed files." #DEFINE E_NOOPENTBL_LOC "Cannot open data table for shared use. Mailmerge cancelled." #DEFINE E_NOREPLACETBL_LOC "Unable to replace file. Mailmerge cancelled." #DEFINE E_NOAPPLESCRIPT_LOC "AppleScript" + CHR(170) + " is not installed on this machine. Launch Word and manually complete the Mail Merge." #DEFINE C_LOCATEDLL_LOC "The wizard could not verify that you have ODBC installed. Do you want to continue with the assumption that it is?" #DEFINE C_NOVERIFYMSW_LOC "The wizard could not verify that you have Microsoft Word installed. Do you want to continue with the assumption that it is?" #DEFINE C_COPYFOX2_LOC "You do not have ODBC drivers for Visual FoxPro 3.0 tables. "+; "Would you like to copy the selected table to a FoxPro 2.5 "+; "type so that a merge data file can be generated from it?" #DEFINE C_COPYFOX3_LOC "You have selected a view as your data source. " + ; "You must copy the view so that a merge data file can be generated from it. Proceed?" #DEFINE C_COPYPROMPT_LOC "Copy table to:" #DEFINE C_ERROR_SQL_LOC "The generated SQL statement is too long. Please select fewer fields." #DEFINE C_LOCATE_LOC "Locate " #DEFINE C_ODBCOLDVER_LOC "The Version setting in your FoxPro Files ODBC Data Source is set for FoxPro 2.0 files. "+; "The MailMerge Wizard may not properly handle international characters or General fields. "+; "You can change this setting to FoxPro 2.6 using the ODBC Control Panel." #DEFINE C_EXCLDBC1_LOC "Word cannot merge data from the selected database '" #DEFINE C_EXCLDBC2_LOC "' unless it is opened shared. Would you like the MailMerge Wizard to reopen it shared for you?" *- don't localize these *- if these are changed, also change in MAILMRGE.H *- supported word procs/merge types #DEFINE N_WORD60 1 #DEFINE N_WORD20 3 && not supported in 5.0 #DEFINE N_COMMADELIM 2 *- new/old doc #DEFINE N_NEW_DOC 1 #DEFINE N_EXISTING_DOC 2 *- template types #DEFINE N_FORMLETTER 1 #DEFINE N_LABEL 2 #DEFINE N_ENVELOPE 3 #DEFINE N_CATALOG 4 *- used in startword #DEFINE C_MSWORDMAC "Microsoft Word" #DEFINE C_MSWORDEXE "winword.exe" #DEFINE C_MSWORDWIN "Winword" #DEFINE C_MSWORDCREATOR "MSWD" #DEFINE C_WORD2 "2.0" #DEFINE C_WORD6 "6.0" #DEFINE C_WORD6_OR_LATER "6.0" #DEFINE C_WORD8 "8.0" *- MSW 2.0 values #DEFINE C_WIN_SECT2 "Microsoft Word 2.0" *- MSW 6.0 values #DEFINE C_WIN_SECT6 "Microsoft Word" #DEFINE C_WIN_MSW6INI "Winword6.INI" #DEFINE C_WIN_DIR "programdir" *- entry in Mac FoxPro settings file #DEFINE C_FOXPROINI_MAC "Visual Foxpro Settings" #DEFINE C_WORD6ID "Word6Loc" #DEFINE C_MAILMRG_SECT "Mailmerge" #DEFINE C_WORDSETTINGS "Word Settings (6)" *- DDE Errors #DEFINE N_BADCHANNELERR 6 #DEFINE N_TIMEOUTERR 9 #DEFINE N_NOCLIENTERR 13 *- AppleScript related errors #DEFINE N_RUNSCRIPTFAIL 1921 && VFP error numbers #DEFINE N_SCRIPTERROR 1917 #DEFINE L_GETFILE .T. #DEFINE L_DONTGETFILE .F. #DEFINE K_HIGHTIMEOUT 20000 #DEFINE K_DFLTTIMEOUT 2000 *- MSW 2.0 values #DEFINE WIN_SECT2 "Microsoft Word 2.0" #DEFINE WIN_DIR "programdir" *- MSW 6.0 values #DEFINE WIN_SECT6 "Microsoft Word" #DEFINE WIN_MSW6INI "Winword6.INI" #DEFINE WIN_6OBJ "word.basic" *- MSW 8.0 values #DEFINE WIN_8OBJ "word.application.8" *- ODBC Driver info #DEFINE K_TAB CHR(9) #DEFINE C_CRLF CHR(13) + CHR(10) #DEFINE C_CR CHR(13) #DEFINE K_TOOLONG 150 && max length of a SQL statement for DDE #DEFINE K_TRANSFER 1024 * 20 #DEFINE K_LOCALVIEW 1 #DEFINE K_REMOTEVIEW 2 #DEFINE K_TABLE 3 #DEFINE DBFTYPE_30 48 #DEFINE EXT_DBF "DBF" #DEFINE EXT_TXT "TXT" ****************************************************************************** * Used by GetOS and other methods ****************************************************************************** * Operating System codes #DEFINE OS_W32S 1 #DEFINE OS_NT 2 #DEFINE OS_WIN95 3 #DEFINE OS_MAC 4 #DEFINE OS_DOS 5 #DEFINE OS_UNIX 6 #DEFINE REG_MSWDOC_KEY "Word.Document" #DEFINE I_ENGLISH 1033 && code for English #DEFINE FOXODBC_ANY "FoxPro" #DEFINE I_WDDIALOGMAILMERGEHELPER 680 && Word code for Mailmerge Helper dialog *- registry codes #DEFINE ERROR_SUCCESS 0 #DEFINE ERROR_NOINIFILE -108 && no DLL file used to check ODBC #DEFINE ERROR_NOINIENTRY -109 && no entry found in INI file (section) #DEFINE ERROR_FAILINI -110 && no entry found in INI file *- eof MAILMRGE.H