* * Define Global Constants * #DEFINE debugversion .T. && enables asserts. Should usually be .T. *- used in Windows VFP 3.0 conversion dialog #DEFINE C_MSGBOXTITLE_LOC "Converter" #DEFINE C_ASK1_LOC "Ask for each file;Don't ask for " && new radio to prevent showing dialog during conversion #DEFINE C_ASK2_LOC " files;Don't ask for any files" && new radio to prevent showing dialog during conversion #DEFINE C_OVERWRITE1_LOC "Transporting All Objects will overwrite all existing " * Filetype constants for FoxPro 2.0 and FoxPro 2.5/2.6 formats #DEFINE C_OVERWRITE2_LOC " object definitions in the file." #DEFINE MB_OKCANCEL 1 && OK and Cancel buttons #DEFINE IDCANCEL 2 && Cancel button pressed * Filetype constants for FoxPro 2.0 and FoxPro 2.5/2.6 formats #DEFINE c_20pjxtype 1 #DEFINE c_25scxtype 12 #DEFINE c_20scxtype 2 #DEFINE c_25frxtype 13 #DEFINE c_20frxtype 3 #DEFINE c_25lbxtype 14 #DEFINE c_20lbxtype 4 *- indexes into gAShowMe array, controls display of transporter dialog for various file types #DEFINE N_MAXTRANFILETYPES 3 && number of file types that transporter can handle (All,PJX, SCX, FRX) #DEFINE N_TRANFILE_PJX 1 #DEFINE N_TRANFILE_SCX 2 #DEFINE N_TRANFILE_FRX 3 * FoxPro 1.02 and FoxBASE+ formats. Note that the FoxBASE+ types are never * actually passed in m.tp_filetype. They are inferred in GetOldReportType and * GetOldLabelTypefrom the ID byte in the report/label files. The suffix tells * us how the file was called, by REPORT FORM ... or by MODIFY REPORT ... #DEFINE c_frx102repo 23 #DEFINE c_frx102modi 33 #DEFINE c_fbprptrepo 43 #DEFINE c_fbprptmodi 53 #DEFINE c_lbx102repo 24 #DEFINE c_lbx102modi 34 #DEFINE c_fbplblrepo 44 #DEFINE c_fbplblmodi 54 #DEFINE c_db4type 70 * Definitions for Objtype fields in screens/reports/labels #DEFINE c_otheader 1 #DEFINE c_otworkar 2 #DEFINE c_otindex 3 #DEFINE c_otrel 4 #DEFINE c_ottext 5 #DEFINE c_otline 6 #DEFINE c_otbox 7 #DEFINE c_otrepfld 8 #DEFINE c_otband 9 #DEFINE c_otgroup 10 #DEFINE c_otlist 11 #DEFINE c_ottxtbut 12 #DEFINE c_otradbut 13 #DEFINE c_otchkbox 14 #DEFINE c_otfield 15 #DEFINE c_otpopup 16 #DEFINE c_otpicture 17 #DEFINE c_otrepvar 18 #DEFINE c_ot20lbxobj 19 #DEFINE c_otinvbut 20 #DEFINE c_otpdset 21 #DEFINE c_otspinner 22 #DEFINE c_otfontdata 23 #DEFINE C_OBJTYPELIST c_otlist,c_ottxtbut,c_otbox,c_otradbut,c_otchkbox,c_otfield, c_otpopup,c_otinvbut,c_otspinner,c_otpicture,c_otline,c_otrepfld,c_otrepvar,c_ottext * Window types #DEFINE c_user 1 #DEFINE c_system 2 #DEFINE c_dialog 3 #DEFINE c_alert 4 * ObjCode definitions #DEFINE c_sgsay 0 #DEFINE c_sgget 1 #DEFINE c_sgedit 2 #DEFINE c_sgfrom 3 #DEFINE c_sgbox 4 #DEFINE c_sgboxd 5 #DEFINE c_sgboxp 6 #DEFINE c_sgboxc 7 #DEFINE c_lnvertical 0 #DEFINE c_lnhorizontal 1 #DEFINE c_ocboxgrp 1 * Attempt to preserve colors of text, lines and boxes when transporting to DOS? #DEFINE c_maptextcolor .T. * Field counts #DEFINE c_20scxfld 57 #DEFINE c_scxfld 79 #DEFINE c_20frxfld 36 #DEFINE c_frxfld 74 #DEFINE c_frx30fld 75 && field count for 3.0 FRX file (11/1/95 jd) #DEFINE c_ot20label 30 #DEFINE c_20lbxfld 17 #DEFINE c_20pjxfld 33 #DEFINE c_pjxfld 31 * Strings for product names #DEFINE c_foxwin_loc "FoxPro for Windows" #DEFINE c_foxmac_loc "FoxPro for Macintosh" #DEFINE c_foxdos_loc "FoxPro for MS-DOS/UNIX" #DEFINE c_winname "WINDOWS" #DEFINE c_macname "MAC" #DEFINE c_dosname "DOS" #DEFINE c_unixname "DOS" #DEFINE c_dosnum 1 #DEFINE c_winnum 2 #DEFINE c_macnum 3 #DEFINE c_unixnum 4 * Metrics for various objects, report bands, etc. #DEFINE c_radhght 1.308 #DEFINE c_chkhght 1.308 #DEFINE c_listht 1.000 #DEFINE c_adjfld 0.125 #DEFINE c_adjlist 0.125 #DEFINE c_adjtbtn 0.769 #DEFINE c_adjrbtn 0.308 #DEFINE c_vchkbox 0.154 #DEFINE c_vradbtn 0.154 #DEFINE c_vlist 0.500 #DEFINE c_hpopup 1.000 #DEFINE c_adjbox 0.500 #DEFINE c_chkpixel 12 #DEFINE c_charrptheight 66 #DEFINE c_charrptwidth 80 #DEFINE c_linesperinch (66/11) #DEFINE c_charsperinch 13.71 #DEFINE c_pathsep ":" && path separator character #DEFINE c_mapfonts 3 && number of specially mapped fonts * Version codes, put into Objcode fields in the header record #DEFINE c_25scx 63 #DEFINE c_25frx 53 * Major file types #DEFINE c_report 0 #DEFINE c_screen 1 #DEFINE c_label 2 #DEFINE c_project 3 * Error codes #DEFINE c_error1 "Minor" #DEFINE c_error2 "Serious" #DEFINE c_error3 "Fatal" * Return values #DEFINE c_yes 1 #DEFINE c_no 0 #DEFINE c_cancel -1 * Codepage translation. #DEFINE c_cptrans .T. && do special CP translation for FoxBASE+ and FoxPro 1.02? * The following four contants may need to be localized. #DEFINE c_doscp 437 && default DOS code page #DEFINE c_wincp 1252 && default Windows code page #DEFINE c_maccp 10000 #DEFINE c_unixcp 0 * bands[] array indexes #DEFINE c_tobandvpos 1 #DEFINE c_tobandheight 2 #DEFINE c_fmbandvpos 3 #DEFINE c_fmbandheight 4 * Frequently used strings. Make them #DEFINES to simplify localization. #DEFINE c_converting "Converting" #DEFINE c_transporting "Transporting" #DEFINE C_2DCONTROLS_LOC "2D Controls" * Defines used in converting FoxBASE+ reports #DEFINE maxliterals 55 #DEFINE litpoolsize 1452 #DEFINE maxrepflds 24 #DEFINE h_page 1 #DEFINE h_break 3 #DEFINE l_item 4 #DEFINE f_break 5 #DEFINE f_page 7 #DEFINE f_rpt 8 #define c_space 40 #DEFINE dos_code 1 #DEFINE win_code 2 #DEFINE mac_code 3 #DEFINE unix_code 4 #DEFINE c_2dmark '2' #DEFINE c_3dmark '3' ** New (8/22/95) added for Localization #DEFINE T_TITLE_LOC "Visual FoxPro Transporter" #DEFINE T_CONVASIS_LOC "Convert As Is" #DEFINE T_NOCONV_LOC "If the file is not transported, it will not be converted." #DEFINE T_NOTRANSPORT_LOC "Don't Transport" #DEFINE T_RECMOD_LOC " Objects More Recently Modified" #DEFINE T_NEWMOD_LOC "The objects are new to Windows, or more recently modified than their Windows equivalents." #DEFINE T_NEWMOD1_LOC "The objects are new to " #DEFINE T_NEWMOD2_LOC ", or more "+CHR(13)+"recently modified than their " #DEFINE T_NEWMOD3_LOC " equivalents." #DEFINE T_BYTRANS1_LOC "By transporting this file, you create" #DEFINE T_BYTRANS2_LOC " definitions for these objects. " #DEFINE T_BYTRANS3_LOC "By transporting this file, you add, update, or " + CHR(13) + "replace " #DEFINE T_BYTRANS4_LOC " definitions for objects in the file." #DEFINE T_BYTRANS5_LOC "By transporting this file, you add," #DEFINE T_BYTRANS6_LOC "update, or replace MS-DOS definitions" #DEFINE T_ADDUPDREPL_LOC "By transporting this file, you add, update, or replace Windows definitions for objects in the file." #DEFINE T_UPDMSDOSDEF_LOC "By transporting this file, you add, update, or replace MS-DOS definitions" #DEFINE T_MSDOSDEF_LOC "By transporting this file, you create MS-DOS definitions for these objects." #DEFINE T_OTHERPLAT_LOC "There are objects in this file defined "+CHR(13)+"for a platform other than " #DEFINE T_OTHERPLAT2_LOC "There are objects in this file defined" #DEFINE T_OTHERPLAT3_LOC "for a platform other than MS-DOS." #DEFINE T_NODOSDEF_LOC "There are objects in this file defined for a platform other than MS-DOS." #DEFINE T_OPENASIS_LOC "Open As Is" #DEFINE T_NEWDOSOBJ_LOC "Transport Objects New to MS-DOS" #DEFINE T_TRANSOBJ_LOC "Transport Objects From:" #DEFINE T_REPLOBJ_LOC "All Objects -- Replace Existing Definitions." #DEFINE T_REPORT_FILE_LOC "Report File:" #DEFINE T_LABEL_FILE_LOC "Label File:" #DEFINE T_SCREEN_FILE_LOC "Screen File:" #DEFINE T_SPIN_LOC "Spinner" #DEFINE T_SEXPR_LOC "SAY Expression" #DEFINE T_GFIELD_LOC "GET Field" #DEFINE T_FIELD_LOC "Field" #DEFINE T_POPUP_LOC "Popup" #DEFINE T_PICTURE_LOC "Picture" #DEFINE T_RPTVAR_LOC "Rpt variable" #DEFINE T_INVBTN_LOC "Inv button" #DEFINE T_PDRIVER_LOC "Printer driver" #DEFINE T_FONTDATA_LOC "Font data" #DEFINE T_UNKNOWNVERS_LOC "Unknown FoxPro version." #DEFINE T_ENERGIZE_LOC "Energize" #DEFINE T_SELTRANS_LOC "Select the file to transport" #DEFINE T_TRANSPORT_LOC "Transport" #DEFINE T_TRANSPERR_LOC "Transporter Error" #DEFINE T_LINENO_LOC "Line Number: " #DEFINE T_CLEANUP_LOC "Press any key to cleanup and exit..." #DEFINE T_OBJNEWMOD_LOC "These objects are either new to the Windows platform or have been modified more recently" #DEFINE T_OBJMOD_LOC "These objects have been modified more recently on " #DEFINE T_OBJNEW1_LOC "These objects are new to " #DEFINE T_OBJNEW2_LOC " platform or have been modified more recently on " #DEFINE T_UNCHECK1_LOC "Uncheck any items you do" #DEFINE T_UNCHECK2_LOC "not" #DEFINE T_UNCHECK3_LOC "want to be transported." #DEFINE T_EXPPROMPT_LOC "Expression/Prompt" #DEFINE T_TYPE_LOC "Type" #DEFINE T_VARIABLE_LOC "Variable" #DEFINE T_STAT_LOC "Stat" #DEFINE T_FONT_LOC "Font" #DEFINE T_FONT1_LOC "Font..." #DEFINE T_OK_LOC "OK" #DEFINE T_CANCEL_LOC "Cancel" #DEFINE T_TRANSOPEN_LOC "\!Transport & Open;Open As Is;\?Cancel" #DEFINE T_TRANSOPEN1_LOC "\!Transport & Open;\?Cancel" #DEFINE T_TRANSOPEN2_LOC "Transport & Open" #DEFINE T_NOSTAND_LOC "The Transporter cannot be run as a standalone program." #DEFINE T_INVALIDSCR_LOC "Invalid screen/report name." #DEFINE T_WHEREIS_LOC "Where is " #DEFINE T_CONVFRX_LOC "You must convert this file to an .FRX file before you"+CHR(13)+ ; "can use it. Use the Catalog Manager to open the file,"+CHR(13)+ ; "or choose Convert dBASE files from the Run menu." #DEFINE T_UNKNOWNFRX_LOC "Unknown report format" #DEFINE T_TRANSNOTHING_LOC "The transporter has nothing to do." #DEFINE T_INVFILEFORMAT_LOC "Unknown or invalid file format" #DEFINE T_NORECS_LOC "No records to transport" #DEFINE T_COMVPRMPT1_LOC "Convert 1.02 report file to 2.6 format?" #DEFINE T_COMVPRMPT2_LOC "Convert FoxBASE+/dBASE III report file to FoxPro 2.6 format?" #DEFINE T_COMVPRMPT3_LOC "Convert 1.02 label file to 2.6 format?" #DEFINE T_COMVPRMPT4_LOC "Convert FoxBASE+/dBASE III label file to FoxPro 2.6 format?" #DEFINE T_COMVPRMPT5_LOC "Convert 2.0 screen file to 2.6 format?" #DEFINE T_COMVPRMPT6_LOC "Convert 2.0 report file to 2.6 format?" #DEFINE T_COMVPRMPT7_LOC "Convert 2.0 project file to 2.6 format?" #DEFINE T_UNKOPERATION_LOC "Unknown doupdate operation" #DEFINE T_UNKFOXVER_LOC "Unknown Version of FoxPro." #DEFINE T_SAMELINE_LOC "To and from platforms are the same in line " #DEFINE T_NOOPENREPT_LOC "Could not open FoxBASE+ report form" #DEFINE T_TOTAL1_LOC "*** Total ***" #DEFINE T_YESNO_LOC "\