* _REPORTS.H * Header file for _REPORTS.VCX classes * common dialog flag constants and results for ShowFont: #DEFINE cdlCFScreenFonts 0x1 #DEFINE cdlCFANSIOnly 0x400 #DEFINE cdlCFForceFontExist 0x10000 #DEFINE cdlCFNoStyleSel 0x100000 #DEFINE cdlCFFixedPitchOnly 0x4000 * common dialog constants for ShowOpen/ShowSave: #DEFINE cdlOFNPathMustExist 0x800 #DEFINE cdlOFNNoChangeDir 0x8 #DEFINE cdlOFNHideReadOnly 0x4 #DEFINE cdlOFNExplorer 0x80000 #DEFINE cdlOFNFileMustExist 0x1000 #DEFINE cdlOFNOverwritePrompt 0x2 #DEFINE cdlOFNNoReadOnlyReturn 0x8000 #DEFINE VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR_WIDTH 5 #DEFINE SHOWTEXT_TEXT_EDITOR_LOC "Text Viewer" #DEFINE WINDOWSTATE_MAXIMIZED 2 #DEFINE WINDOWSTATE_NORM 0 * _dialog fonts #DEFINE SYSTEM_LARGEFONTS FONTMETRIC(1, 'MS Sans Serif', 8, '') # 13 OR ; FONTMETRIC(4, 'MS Sans Serif', 8, '') # 2 OR ; FONTMETRIC(6, 'MS Sans Serif', 8, '') # 5 OR ; FONTMETRIC(7, 'MS Sans Serif', 8, '') # 11 #DEFINE DIALOG_SMALLFONT_NAME "MS Sans Serif" #DEFINE DIALOG_LARGEFONT_NAME "Arial" * destinations: #DEFINE OUTPUT_PRINT_REPORT_LOC "Print report" #DEFINE OUTPUT_PRINT_LIST_LOC "Print list from table" #DEFINE OUTPUT_SCREEN_LOC "Preview" #DEFINE OUTPUT_TEXTFILE_LOC "Text file" #DEFINE OUTPUT_HTMLFILE_LOC "HTML file" #DEFINE OUTPUT_PRINTFILE_LOC "Print-image file" #DEFINE OUTPUT_EXPORT_LOC "Export table" * screen options: #DEFINE OUTPUT_SCREEN_PREVIEW_LOC "Report Preview" #DEFINE OUTPUT_SCREEN_GRAPHICAL_LOC "Graphical report preview" #DEFINE OUTPUT_SCREEN_ASCII_LOC "Text report preview" #DEFINE OUTPUT_SCREEN_BROWSE_LOC "Browse view of table" #DEFINE OUTPUT_SCREEN_LIST_LOC "Simple list view of table" * HTML options: #DEFINE OUTPUT_HTML_FILEONLY_LOC "Generate only, no display" #DEFINE OUTPUT_HTML_VIEWSOURCE_LOC "View generated source" #DEFINE OUTPUT_HTML_WEBVIEW_LOC "View output in web browser" #DEFINE OUTPUT_KEY_FOR_TOOLBAR_LOC "Press Ctrl-R to retrieve Report Preview Toolbar if necessary..." * print options: #DEFINE OUTPUT_PRINT_OPTIONS_WINDEFAULT_LOC "Windows default printer" #DEFINE OUTPUT_PRINT_OPTIONS_VFPDEFAULT_LOC "VFP default printer" #DEFINE OUTPUT_PRINT_OPTIONS_SETVFPDEFAULT_LOC "Select and use new VFP default" #DEFINE OUTPUT_DESTINATION_TEXTFILE_LOC "Pick a destination text filename" #DEFINE OUTPUT_SOURCE_REPORT_LOC "Pick a report" #DEFINE OUTPUT_REPORT_NOT_FOUND_LOC "Report not found!" #DEFINE OUTPUT_REPORT_OR_DATASOURCE_REQUIRED_LOC "This dialog needs report or table datasource information." #DEFINE MB_ICONEXCLAMATION 48 * export options #DEFINE OUTPUT_EXPORT_EXCEL97 "Excel 97" #DEFINE OUTPUT_EXPORT_EXCEL5 "Excel 5.0" #DEFINE OUTPUT_EXPORT_EXCEL2 "Excel 2.0" #DEFINE OUTPUT_EXPORT_FOX2X "Fox 2.X" #DEFINE OUTPUT_EXPORT_FOXPLUS "Xbase" #DEFINE OUTPUT_EXPORT_FIXEDLEN "Fixed Length" #DEFINE OUTPUT_EXPORT_DELIMITED "Delimited" #DEFINE OUTPUT_EXPORT_LOTUS2 "Lotus 2.x" #DEFINE OUTPUT_EXPORT_DIF "Data Interchange Format" #DEFINE OUTPUT_EXPORT_SYMPHONY "Symphony 1.10" #DEFINE OUTPUT_EXPORT_CSV "Separated Values"