*- PIVTABLE.H *- #DEFINEs for PIVTABLE.VCX #DEFINE L_DEBUG .F. *- localize these #DEFINE ALERTTITLE_LOC "Microsoft Visual FoxPro Wizards" #DEFINE C_EXCLDBC1_LOC "Excel cannot create a pivot table from the selected database '" #DEFINE C_EXCLDBC2_LOC "' unless it is opened shared. Would you like the PivotTable Wizard to reopen it shared for you?" #DEFINE C_STARTXL_LOC "Starting Microsoft Excel..." #DEFINE C_LARGEPIVOT_LOC "You have selected a potentially large pivot table result set. "+; "Do you want to continue?" #DEFINE C_NORECORDS_LOC "The table selected contains no records. An Excel pivot table will not be created." #DEFINE C_LONGFNAME_LOC "You have an old FoxPro ODBC Data Source installed which does not support FoxPro tables with long or illegal DOS path and file names. "+; "We suggest that you install the VFP ODBC Driver to prevent this message in the future. "+; "If you choose to continue, you must either rename or copy the selected table to one with a standard DOS file name. Would you like to copy the file now?" #DEFINE C_COPYPROMPT_LOC "Copy table to:" #DEFINE C_WAITMESS_LOC "Please be patient while the pivot table is being generated..." #DEFINE E_NOFORM_LOC "No form file specified. Unable to continue." #DEFINE E_BADMSQUERY_LOC "Microsoft Query has not been installed properly and is needed in order to create an Excel pivot table." #DEFINE E_FAILXL_LOC "Failed to get Excel OLE Object." #DEFINE E_NOREG_LOC "Microsoft Excel is not properly registered in the Windows registration table for use with OLE." #DEFINE E_OLDXLVER_LOC "The automation tool does not support your version of Microsoft Excel. You must have version 5.0 or later installed." #DEFINE E_OLEERROR_LOC "An OLE automation error occurred. Your Excel pivot table may not be complete." *- error checks for the automation tool #DEFINE E_NEEDALIAS_LOC "The Pivot Table tool requires the cAlias field to be filled." #DEFINE E_NEEDTABLE_LOC "The Pivot Table tool requires the cDBCTable field to be filled." #DEFINE E_NEEDDBC_LOC "The Pivot Table tool requires the cDBCName field to be filled." #DEFINE E_NEEDROW_LOC "The Pivot Table tool requires the cPivFldRow field to be filled." #DEFINE E_NEEDCOL_LOC "The Pivot Table tool requires the cPivFldCol field to be filled." #DEFINE E_NEEDDATA_LOC "The Pivot Table tool requires the cPivFldData field to be filled." #DEFINE E_NEEDFIELDS_LOC "The Pivot Table tool requires the aAutoFields array to be filled." #DEFINE E_NEEDFLDLIST_LOC "The Pivot Table tool requires the aFldList array to be filled." *- localize? #DEFINE OLE_XLAPP "excel.application" *- don't localize these #DEFINE C_MSQRY32 "MSQRY32.EXE" #DEFINE C_PATH "Path" #DEFINE QUERY_ROOT "Software\Microsoft\Shared Tools\MSQuery" #DEFINE XL_CLASS "Excel.Sheet" #DEFINE XLCOUNT -4113 && Excel count function constant #DEFINE MAX_RECORDS 500 #DEFINE MAX_PIVROWS 300 #DEFINE MAX_PIVCOLS 100 #DEFINE MAX_PIVPAGES 100 #DEFINE MAX_PIVCELLS 10000 #DEFINE OS_W32S 1 #DEFINE OS_NT 2 #DEFINE OS_WIN95 3 #DEFINE HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT -2147483648 && BITSET(0,31) #DEFINE HKEY_CURRENT_USER -2147483647 && BITSET(0,31)+1 #DEFINE HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE -2147483646 && (( HKEY ) 0x80000002 ) #DEFINE ERROR_SUCCESS 0