*-- (c) Microsoft Corporation 1995 *-- STRINGS.H *-- Include this file where needed for localization *-- purposes *-- Messagebox Titles #DEFINE ERRORTITLE_LOC "An error has occurred" *-- Toolbar names #DEFINE TB_FORMDESIGNER_LOC "Form Designer" #DEFINE TB_STANDARD_LOC "Standard" #DEFINE TB_LAYOUT_LOC "Layout" #DEFINE TB_QUERY_LOC "Query Designer" #DEFINE TB_VIEWDESIGNER_LOC "View Designer" #DEFINE TB_COLORPALETTE_LOC "Color Palette" #DEFINE TB_FORMCONTROLS_LOC "Form Controls" #DEFINE TB_DATADESIGNER_LOC "Database Designer" #DEFINE TB_REPODESIGNER_LOC "Report Designer" #DEFINE TB_REPOCONTROLS_LOC "Report Controls" #DEFINE TB_PRINTPREVIEW_LOC "Print Preview" #DEFINE WIN_COMMAND_LOC "Command" && Command Window *-- Messagebox Messages #DEFINE FILENOTEXIST_LOC "File does not exist: " #DEFINE BADPASSWORD_LOC "Password is invalid. (See Hint textbox)" #DEFINE BADNAME_LOC "Name not found." #DEFINE BADUPDATE_LOC "Could not update - reverting to original." #DEFINE SAVECHANGES_LOC "Do you want to save your changes first?" #DEFINE ASKDELETE_LOC "Are you sure you wish to delete this information?" #DEFINE TAGNOTFOUND_LOC "Index tag not found." #DEFINE REPORTNOTFOUND_LOC "Report file not found." #DEFINE PRINTERNOTREADY_LOC "Printer not ready." #DEFINE NORECSMATCHED_LOC "No records matched criteria." #DEFINE DELETEREC_LOC "Are you sure you want to delete this record?" #DEFINE DELETEWARN_LOC "Delete Warning" #DEFINE NOTHINGTOPRINT_LOC "Nothing to print." #DEFINE PASSWORDEMPTY_LOC "New password cannot be empty." #DEFINE PSWDNOTCNFRM_LOC "Cannot confirm new password. Please try again." #DEFINE NOPSWDENTERED_LOC "You have not yet entered the old password. Do you want to continue?" #DEFINE FILESAVEDAS_LOC "File saved as " #DEFINE VALIDATING_LOC "Validating ..." #DEFINE PRINTING_LOC "Printing ..." #DEFINE METHOD_LOC "Method: " #DEFINE LINENUM_LOC "Line: " #DEFINE CUSTNOORD_LOC "Customer has no orders." #DEFINE SELCUSTFIRST_LOC "Must select a customer first." #DEFINE NOEMPLOYEES_LOC "There are no employees on file." *-- Other strings #DEFINE SELECTBUTTON_LOC "Select" #DEFINE COPYRIGHT_LOC "Copyright 1996 Microsoft Corporation" #DEFINE RIGHTSRSRVD_LOC "All rights reserved" #DEFINE ABOUT_LOC "About " #DEFINE VERSIONLABEL_LOC "Version "